Friday, December 18

A Quick Trip to the University of Pediatrics Dentistry

It was last December 17, 2015 when we [the whole family] pack a small important items to bring with us for our quick road trip to Buffalo. I would say a quick road trip though we went there for from a dental issue, but because it would take us 2 hours to get there, sight seeing about the places we passed by would somewhat exciting.

There will be unusual things that we might see along the road, just like the coyote on the side of the road, it is alive, I thought at first it was a statue because of its strange position, but for some reason it is probably looking for something in that grassy place.

Somebody was pulled over by a police car on our way back home, and we were almost getting bumped at the Buffalo area on our way home again just because this other car can't wait for us to turn right, before it is also turning right. Pretty close, oh! Never forget about this Honda car driver on our way to Buffalo, who passed us on a non-passing road, which pretty much never go far at all. Such a reckless and in a hurry yet, you'll only cause accidents to others.

Anyways, the road trip wasn't as fascinating as most road trips should be, but that's another part of our experience.


  1. That's one main reason I don't like to drive, I feel like I am going to die because of reckless drivers.

  2. Drivers these days have less patience, they don't know that it can actually cause more accidents on the road. I'm glad you got home safe though!

  3. Road trips can either be fun and exciting or just downright boring. I would rather sleep and then wake up only when we get to our destination.

  4. It's good that nothing happens to safe always and enjoy your future trips :)

  5. You'll never know what might turn up during road trips. It's not always fun and exciting, but for sure, it added to your life experiences. Hope you'll have an awesome one next time.
